Joking Hazard Online

I have a guilty pleasure. I like Cyanide and Happiness. So, a while ago, when the folks at C&H opened a Kickstarter for a new C&H Comic Creator Game, I jumped at a chance to get in on the ground level of Joking Hazard.

Joking Hazard Game Inspired by the Cyanide & Hapiness Random Comic Generator, Joking Hazard is a game in which you compete with your friends and enemies to finish an awful three-panel comic, from a deck of cards with millions of possible combinations. Buy it now on Amazon & Explosm! SHIPPING UPDATE!Santa has been found dead in an apparent elf uprising at his home at the North Pole. Foul play is suspected and police are seeking suspects. In the meantime, USPS has taken over delivering packages. Unfortunately they’re slow af, with shipping taking 10-14 days. Your packages may not arrive by Christmas.

Unfortunately, although I have the game and every single expansion, I, alas, have no-one to play with. It’s not so much people don’t like to hang out with me. Far from it, I am also socially engaged almost every night and weekend. It’s more a problem of people having their own gaming communities and not interested in joining mine or inviting me into theirs. I don’t mind though, I still have friends. It’s just the Joking Hazard box has gathered a lot of dust.

And SARS-CoV-2 is no help!

Joking Hazard Card Game

However, the good folks at PlayingCards.IO have come to the rescue. You can now visit my personal Joking Hazard game space and play a game with me. The board is set. Who will win the next round?

It’s no Global, Thermal, Nuclear War, but shall we play a game?

Alan was a backer for the Kickstarter, and we just got to play a game. This is my review!

Joking Hazard Online Game Free


Joking Hazard Target

Joking Hazard is a party game for 3 to 10 people. The box recommends it to be (im)mature adults, due to its references to sex, violence and basically anything you have seen on the Cyanide and Happiness comic. If that comic is one you enjoy, or you are a big fan of Cards Against Humanity, this will be a great game for you.


Joking hazard target

The game play is really simple. Each player is dealt 7 cards. A player is chosen to be the first judge to start the game, then reveals the top card from the deck. How the turn is played is based on the type of card revealed.

A card with a black border is most common. The judge chooses a card from their hand and places it on either the left or right of the card from the deck. These make the first two panels of a comic. The rest of the players choose a card from their hand to complete the comic and pass it face down to the judge. Randomly selecting and revealing cards, the judge picks what card is their favourite to complete the comic. The person who had the winning card gets it from the judge as a victory point.

Joking Hazard online, free

The other possibility, is the card has a red border. These are special, as they are usually more unique designs, and they have to be used as the final panel. Now the judge has to wait as the players select two cards, to create the first two panels of the comic. Players pass their selection face down to the judge, then they randomize the piles and reveal them in order. Again the judge selects what pair is their favourite comic, and the person who played the two cards will get them back as points.


The box is solid, which is perfect for taking over to friends houses. Cards are high quality, similar to Bicycle brand playing cards. Alan got a couple expansions with his set, giving us a lot of cards right away. As well as some blank cards for us to write out own text on.


Joking Hazard online, free

It’s like Cards Against Humanity but with comic panels. Durable to be played a lot.


If you and your friends are fans of Cards Against Humanity or Cyanide and Happiness, this game is a safe bet for a good time. And it even comes with official drinking rules. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to playing it again! Its an easy addition to most board game collections, as it can be played to start a game night, or be the last game when everyone has had a bit to drink.